Jupiter is an innovative web-based software package designed for users seeking to manage all their Lunitek instruments network-wide. This becomes particularly essential when the network comprises a large number of units, making individual control challenging, if not impossible.
Jupiter presents a sleek user interface, facilitating interaction with the instruments, and enabling the monitoring, management, and configuration of a seismic or structural monitoring network comprised of Lunitek devices.
Jupiter adeptly identifies all devices connected to the network, whether through VPN or WAN, eliminating the need to manually input IP addresses. It allows for the visualization and streaming of both data and the health status of the units, utilizing the miniSEED protocol.
Users have the capability to transmit a universal configuration to all network devices or issue common commands (start, stop, manual trigger, etc.), obviating the need for individual unit access.
Jupiter is proficient in aggregating data from the instruments and saving it in a local folder.
The software accommodates both built-in and third-party analysis scripts and can dispatch remote alarms upon the activation of specific events.
Powering Jupiter is Obspy Python, a specialized library for seismology, furnishing users with the flexibility to easily develop tailor-made analysis scripts.
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